Copyright © 2010 Sappi KwaDukuza Resource Centre. All Rights Reserved.
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The Model
The Centre is based on an “Interactive model”. The various facets of the centre’s activities (Technology, Digital Village, Educational Teaching  Aid Resources, Career Centre, Conference facilities, Administration services, etc.) adds value and enhances educational development which was largely our original objective for the Centre.

The community in which we serve is predominantly poor and African with an unemployment rate of approximately 31%.  Most people that do receive an income are in the unskilled job market or are pensioners.  The economic base of the area is vested in agriculture, tourism and the manufacturing sectors.

The Centre's focus is to provide access to resources to as many individuals as possible. For this reason, it provides membership opportunities at a minimum cost on a three-month cycle, and no additional charges are levied for access to computers and the Internet. For those who cannot afford subscription fees, a once off 3 month bursary is given for usage to empower themselves. Administration services like printing, faxing, photocopying, lamination, and bookbinding are provided at a nominal cost.
Five full-time staff members work at the Centre, alongside a core of 5-10 volunteers or "trainees". In addition, an Executive Committee has been established to assist with administrative issues and decision-making.

Neither trainees nor board members receive remuneration for their assistance to the Centre. The trainee programme or “work progression programme” is popular because of the skills enhancement that comes with it. The Centre aims to develop skills in its trainees so that they can obtain employment elsewhere.

The Centre measures its success based on its enrolment figures and usage rates. The statistics recorded at the end of 2009 showed that since opening in June 2000 over 17 365 members, excluding 10 000 day passes have enrolled and re-enrolled at the Centre. Approximately 210 users pass through its doors on a daily basis. Usage of the Digital Village routinely peaks at over 85%.

• The Highest registration is amongst the youth (66%), Adults (27%)
• The Majority of registrations are in the African population group (82 %)
Sappi KwaDukuza Resource Centre
- About Us
- Expanding Impact

- Success Stories
Student success is another important performance indicator. In some cases, learners are from areas that do not have electricity at all and have never seen television in their lives. Inspired by the added impact of audio and visual stimuli, children find these modern communication media immensely gripping and motivating.

The more advanced TechnoLab Technology learners are assessed on their understanding of concepts as well as development of critical life skills, like teamwork, communication, leadership, and problem solving.

Learners attend Module 1, a 10 week programme consisting of lessons on gears, levers, pulleys pneumatics etc. Once this is achieved the learner moves on to module 2 which is made up of computer control activities. The technological activities enhance technological concepts that would help the learners make informed choices when following a career in the science field thereby increasing the pool of skilled labour resource in the country.